I am honored to be part of your support team. Thank you for trusting me.

A few logistics

Schedules can be tricky. I like to use Calendly to keep things relatively simple. Here’s the link to schedule your sessions around a time that works for you.

  • If you can’t find a time that works well, please don’t hesitate to let me know. We’ll find a match.

  • If you like to have a consistent time slot, like Thursdays at 2, feel free to reserve that time for the duration of your sessions.

  • Life gets hectic. I totally get it.  In the spirit of honoring both of our precious time, please give me 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule. Cancellations without notice will count as used sessions.

A little disclaimer… I’m not awesome at email. I spend most of my day talking to people. And when I’m talking with someone, I’m completely focused on that. I look at email once or twice a day and sometimes it takes me a few days to respond. I’m slow like that. If you need me to look at something right away please put ASAP in the subject line.

The big disclaimer

Your sessions are confidential. You can say what you want.  I will only release information about our work with your written permission or in response to a court order.  There are some situations in which I am ethically obligated to breach confidentiality in order to protect you or others from harm. If I have information that indicates that a child or elderly or disabled person is being abused, I must report that to the appropriate state agency. If you are in imminent risk of hurting yourself or someone else, I will take protective actions.  These situations are quite rare in consulting practices. If such a situation occurs in our relationship, I will make every effort to discuss it with you before taking any action.

As you are no doubt aware, it is impossible to protect the confidentiality of information that is transmitted electronically. This is particularly true of e-mail and information stored on computers that are connected to the internet, which do not utilize encryption and other forms of security protection. You are responsible for the security of our communication on your computer.

There will be no recording of our sessions unless we mutually agree. All information disclosed within sessions and any written notes pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where disclosure is required by law.

Consulting and Therapy

While there are similarities between consulting and psychotherapy (or counseling), they are different and it is important that you understand what you're signing up for.

Psychotherapy is a health care service and is usually reimbursable through health insurance. It is focused on identification, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. That means a focus on alleviating symptoms, understanding the underlying dynamics which create symptoms, and developing new strategies for successfully coping with mental illness. The psychotherapy relationship tends toward "doctor-patient."

This is not true for consulting. A consulting relationship is designed to give you support and strategies to reach your self-identified goals. It is less "clinical" and does not involve a formal diagnosis or a treatment plan. The consulting relationship is collaborative and less formal (though both . Both activities use knowledge of human behavior, motivation, relationship patterns, and psychological research.  The major differences are in the goals, focus, and level of professional responsibility.

As a consultant, I am not set-up to manage psychiatric emergencies. If you experience a mental health crisis, please reach out to local clinical staff or seek immediate care at the nearest emergency room.

By continuing on, you agree to these terms.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions that you might have.